Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Does Your Sunscreen Actually Protect or Harm Your Family:
To deal with the potential danger of 'safe return to find themselves in the summer' sunscreen draws. About several years ago how I wrote the popular sunscreen actually developed malignant cells spread skin cancer rate may be. Product called 500 (approximately 12%) only 39 group environmental working group (EWG) study was considered safe and effective use of the time. Better than good news consumers want to hear the sunscreen industry is now optional! 2011 WGA was 20% of the recommendation is], meet the standards of efficiency and safety, now, up to 25% product. And last year, than any four out of all the Kashima as well your family or the entire nation.

Two things carefully think important as consumers, most sunscreens. The amount of sunscreen chemicals, the first type could give adversely affect our bodies. Second, is the quality of the fringe and they provide protection from UV rays.

Have proven the case through the study of Government, such as the "sunburn", "soitbrov" and "water" to prohibit the use of the marketing of new FDA rules 2011, sunscreen labels last year, and advertising. The FDA has thoughts and statements of these misleading since the 1990s. Unfortunately, these products continue to get priority seating ' of the market. Until the summer of 2012, postpone the enforcement of the new regulations of the fda.

Trust us to protect our children. WGA, sunscreen 65 found ads for kids, toddlers and aoxibinzoni are included. (See description below) and experts is greater aoxibinzoni hormones and other substances than children and adults in a small chemical absorption to alert their bodies of these dangers. Cannot easily excrete it might be. Also, body, is sensitive to hormonal changes very.

Stay away from products that contain:

※ Vitamin a Palmitic acid & retinol derivatives and ritinil ( cancer uses sunscreen may accelerate skin lesions in sun-exposed skin to prevent tumor growth accelerated to)

※ Aoxibinzoni ( absorb sun light too easily penetrate the skin and disrupt the blood flow, the body's natural hormones. Synthetic chemicals entered also causes the allergic reaction. )

※ The sky leave the skin causes sunburn, exposed to the ultraviolet UV protect SPF rating.

※ Coat spray cans, and lungs. Inhalation hazard risk

Loose powder emitted by particulate matter of the floating flower sunscreen. Inhaled, long term high potential damage is lung. On some sunscreen loose powder "classification and inhalation of carcinogenic. In which includes titanium dioxide particles. Sunscreen Nano-powder, very tiny zinc oxide can cause bad pneumonia are included.

You must include the highest rated sunscreen.

※ Metallic zinc or titanium. Without these highest UV protection chemicals is the right choice to people who want a hormone disturbance.

※ Use creams, lotions, sprays and powders.

Future protect the new sunscreen 'spectrum' rhetoric over the years. However, half of all sunscreen meet FDA standards to understand it to prevent a broader Europe we sold most UV filters, because should remain vigilant. South Pacific Forum in Europe, all voluntarily sunscreen UVB meaningful protection manufacturers comply with recommendations from the European Union.

Need to read our labels, and the claims be ignore consumer alert triggered and follow the instructions. We are knowledge necessary to arm themselves for any industry that protects your family from a key player in our market.

Classification of the South Pacific Forum, the secret ancient herbal products contain a Yes, many customers "minimize effect of sunlight ago and after exposure to sunlight the rebalancing spray" uses.

Diane Clarke's "co-founder of the secret ancient herbs, natural products company. Secrets of the ancient will help to harmonize the carry the balance of your body's health, beauty and longevity herb formula.

West recently introduced these formulas secret (Feng Bi). People all over the world benefited thousands. We soften the pain of "skin care" capability weight loss, detoxification, stress relief.

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